How to recover deleted files or folders in Google Drive ?

Google Drive is an awesome tool to store files and folders online. You can organize your files and folders similar to your computer’s hard drive. Total of 15 GB space is free on Google Drive and the space counts across all Google platforms such as Gmail, Photos, Docs, Sheets etc. When you store files or folders online, it is likely that you may accidentally delete those files or folders. The deleted files or folders remain in the Trash for 30 days. When it is within the limit of 30 days, you can simply restore those files or folders. However, you may also recover those files or folders beyond 30 days also. Here’s how to recover deleted files or folders in Google Drive.

Recover deleted files or folders from Google Drive.

This is the simple process as you can recover files or folders that are in your Google Drive Trash. Follow the steps below

  • Visit Google Drive opening up
  • Click on the Trash 
  • Now find the files or folders you want to recover
  • Right click on the files or folders
  • You will see the two options 1. Restore 2. Delete Forever
  • Now simply click on Restore.
Recover deleted files from Google Drive Screenshot

Recover files or folders deleted from Google Drive Trash.

This process is quite different from the above one. It is likely that you may have deleted files or folders forever or you may also have clicked on “Empty trash” or it has been more than 30 days files or folders being in the trash. 

In all of the cases above, you can not recover files or folders easily. You will have to write to the Google Drive support. 

  • Visit 
  • You may opt in to sign in again. Sign in using the same Gmail account that you want to recover files or folders from Google Drive.
  • Now fill in the details as shown in the image below.
  • Click on “Submit”
  • Now Google will send you an email stating that they receive the request and try to recover files or folders permanently deleted from your Google Drive. It may usually take 12 hours. But Google says it may take upto 48 hours.
  • When Google completes the restore action, it will send you another email confirming that files or folders have been successfully recovered.

You may also read
Backup Gmail email to another Gmail account.


Please note that not all the files or folders are recoverable. Only the files or folders you have deleted recently from trash or have emptied from trash are recoverable. But the files and folders emptied from trash too long ago can not be recovered. Also note that, if files or folders are recovered and you see them back in your Google Drive, check everything as you may lose the sharing and again have to share it. However, other settings remain intact and you can use files or folders seamlessly . 

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