Top Nepali bloggers and the blogs. An ultimate list for 2023.

This is an ultimate list of Nepali Bloggers and their Nepali blogs that I think are popular and doing great in Nepali context. The list here gets updated in a frequent manner to keep the list perfect and valuable. Few Nepali blogger doing good in traffic but the quality specially UX/UI is poor. I have missed out such blog. The list is updated for year 2022. Some of the old blogs are removed as they are not continuously doing great and few are added.

Blogging in Nepal has become passion for many Nepalese. So, Nepali blogs are increasing with the time. While searching a Nepali blogger, you may find many blogs in Nepal with the prominent bloggers. I am just trying to simplify the list here.

I know my only effort may not be enough and perfect to list out all the top Nepali bloggers. So I do hope to get more suggestion in coming days too. I am sure I am missing out some Nepali tech blog, Some food bloggers in Nepal and may be some Nepali story blogs too. I will keep updating the list accordingly.

Also read
Top bloggers in India. An absolute list.
Top and popular online store in Nepal.

Bloggers are creating different atmosphere in the online world.  There are very huge numbers of bloggers growing every day. But to mention in the scenario of Nepali bloggers, very few are there who are actively blogging everyday. Though the numbers are growing rapidly. I have tried to find out some of them to prepare the list of top Nepali bloggers and their blog links.

The bloggers and the blog list here is not targeted for particular category. Furthermore, the list depends on regular update.I am not one to decide top Nepali bloggers. So, the list is entirely mine. I just tried to become fair on judging.

Top most Nepali bloggers and blog list.

As I have mentioned above, the top blogger and the blog list here is entirely based on my own opinion. I will try to have a look at all the blogs listed here in timely manner and keep updating the list as promised.

My Sansar

My Sansar is still the blog that stands out to be right at the top of the list. I believe Salokya is one of the top Nepali bloggers. My Sansar (Mero Sansar) is being run by Salokya (Umesh Shrestha). It is probably the first of it kinds. Blog runs in Nepali Unicode, and features about the current scenario of Nepali society. This blog also features about the political issues and also the administrative issues.


Probably, the non tech blog in Nepali bloggers list. If any Nepali heard about blog and blogging in Nepal few years , its probably My Sansar and Lex Limbu. Where My Sansar is all about political and social issues Lex limbu features about the Nepali entertainment diaspora. He is surely one of the top Nepali bloggers. Like My Sansar Lex Limbu also has a huge fan base.

Lex Limbu is the UK based Nepali blogger who has recently hit into the news for another reason rather than his blog. He admitted himself as a LGBT transgender. The news spread like his blog as his announcement was on the media. Lex Limbu features Nepali entertainment industry and also the celebrity gossip in Nepal and around the world of Nepalese people.


xNepali is the blog for Nepali celebrities and gossips . While searching for the Nepali fashion bloggers and Nepali entertainment blog, I came to this blog. This blog focuses on the entertainment industry in the country. You are most likely to find out about the Nepali movies, artist and gossip about their life style. Anand Nepal is the bloggers who is doing xNepali. He is the guy who is also popular with his vlog in YouTube with his channel Anand Nepal with the tagline “Anand kaa kura halka farak hunchan.” This also resemble in his blog as well.

Gadget Byte Nepal

Gadget Byte Nepal is a tech blog. The popularity is growing every year ever since it started. This is not only yet another technology blog in Nepali blog diaspora. Most of all the blog in Nepal are in the technology and gadgets. Gadget Byte Nepal is one of them but definitely stands out from the crowd . This blog is popular among tech followers. This blog mostly features about the gadgets and tech happening in the country. You may not disagree if I mention Gadget Byte Nepal as one of the top technology blog in Nepal.

Tech Lekh

Tech Lekh is yet another technology blog in Nepal. The reason I am featuring this blog is its emerging grow up. Since its start up it has immensely grown up. Tech Lekh also has huge reader base in the country. Though this is the new blog in the group of Nepali tech blog. Probably in the time now we may not call it a new blog after having seen its grown up. This blog features about technology happening around Nepal. This blog also features about entrepreneurship, startup and startup culture, crypto currency etc.


I would love to feature this blog in my blog list. I have listed this blog recently in my last update. This is the tech blog and this one is in Nepali language. I strongly suggest anyone who is willing to read Nepali blogs specially in the Nepali language to read this one. I personally follow this blog regularly.

However, Techpana is not the single man blog. The whole tech enthusiast people run this. This is moreover a magazine which features various aspects of technology around the world. You can read about social media, gadgets, startup and more on this magazine. As far as I am concern, I only find this blog who are avid tech reader and prefer to read in Nepali.


ImNepal is the Nepali lifestyle blog. The blog is updated in a regular interval. Most of the blogs and even some top Nepali bloggers are focusing more on the technology, this lifestyle blog stands out from these kind of crowds. This blog claims to have 800K monthly page views. ( In their advertising section). Even while checking by myself, It has decent views So I am featuring it on my list. If it is not a top blog, it surely deserves the place in one of the top Nepali bloggers and blogs to follow in coming years.

Nepali Trends

Another blog that I am featuring as one of top Nepali bloggers is Nepali Trends. As their authors describe, it is a random blog with the tag line “trending and organic stories”. I really like the blog concept and featuring it is in the list. The blog is all about the trending in Nepal. You can find the recent trending in the country. It is surely one of the Blogs to follow in the coming year. You can check whats trending through this blog. The blog is founded and running by two IT enthusiastic Bikash Rai and Sudip Katwal .

Tech Sathi

I have been looking around the comment sections of this post and regularly updating the list. While going through it, I have found Tech Sathi (mentioned in the comment below) quite promising, so added this one in my list of Nepali Bloggers and Blogs. Even still I have only this blog to list in the top Nepali bloggers. Tech Sathi is specially intended for the tech lovers and tech enthusiastic people in Nepal. You can check it out for the latest happenings in tech in Nepal.

Prabidhi Info

This is yet another technology blog in Nepal. If you are looking for tech information around Nepal, you must not miss this blog. This blog hover around the technology happening around Nepal and around the world.

Nepali Mind

My new findings in this year is this blog. I found this blog interesting. This is also regular updated with the stuff useful for Nepali people. Its must be good one in Nepali blogs list.

Also read:
Nepali Typing Keyboard Setup for Your Android and iPhone.
How to Recharge NTC/Namaste Mobile in Simple and Easy Steps.

Some other Nepali bloggers.

Probably, not enough of top Nepali bloggers list. I have listed few blogs in my top 10 list above. That does not mean those are only the top Nepali blogs. I may have missed some of other popular blogs. And some other Nepali sites are serving better than the above blogs. I will keep an eye and update the list of top Nepali bloggers in a timely manner.

Beside the list above, There are few other blogs and the bloggers who are significantly making the differences. Few of them also mentioned in the comment section below and I could not list them right at the top of my list. The reason for that may vary. Like I have checked everything including site design, speed, regularity, SSL etc. Those blogs and bloggers are listed below.

89 thoughts on “Top Nepali bloggers and the blogs. An ultimate list for 2023.”

    1. Yes, absolutely agreeing with Bashanta,

      Earnwith Anish is good blog, where you can get insights related to digital marketing field.

  1. Webpreneurs Hub

    May be you should take a look at.. This is not in the top list but defenitely a good one for business & Tech niche..

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  3. Hello,

    Please check our page too. we are also Nepal’s largest blogging platform with more than 300+ bloggers contributing on a daily basis.

    Would love to see Rising Junkiri listed as one of the blogger platforms for Nepal.

  4. These are great blogs and I am already following some of them in daily basis. There are more blogs in Nepal now. There is an emerging blog by digital gourd, that is targeting both Nepal and rest of the world. They are doing quite a research on what they talk about on their blog. Hopefully we can see them in one of these lists someday. Good luck to every bloggers and thank you for information you are providing to us.

  5. imnepal is the best you forget him.
    Your site is exactly what I have looking for!! Very nicely done. You are doing a great service!!

  6. Basanta Kumar Dhakal

    Also, you cannot miss the official blog from Khalti Digital Wallet:
    These guys are writing informative articles on latest trends in digital payments, e-commerce and internet banking in Nepal. I request you to go through it once.

  7. how can we get hosting in Nepal. or we can use for hosting please let me know I am wondering to start blogging

  8. Cristina Gurung

    I almost follow this website Lexlimbu is first time visit through this article. I’ve a question can I buy domain name from godaddy in Nepal. If “YES” what is the process?

  9. Sagar Tripathi

    Thank you suman for this great article..
    Please write a article about e commerce too

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  10. Everything InNepal

    May be you should take a look at . This is not in the top list but defenitely a good one for business & Tech niche..

  11. Great list, i just know about promod’s blog, but now i know lots of nepali blogs. thanks for sharing such a great list of nepali bloggers.

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  12. Rabi Ranjan Yadav

    This is really a very good article about the top blogger of nepal. i had already checked some of the blog websites earlier and checked the few which are mentioned in the comment box. some websites mentioned here are really great.

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  14. ICT Frame is an online magazine for the community belonging to information and communication technology which also provides two versions of magazine based on native and international language.

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  16. Manorath Aryal

    i was searching for “What is Focus keyphrase” on google, and try some keyword and type top nepali blogger then i found your blog on top its helps me more.
    thank you suman dai for sharing 🙂

  17. Wow! Love the list. Among these, Gadget byte nepal is going to top the rank. Thanks for sharing this. If you consider to make a list of health bloggers, remember

  18. Raunak Neupane

    Great to see the 2020 update. I enjoy ICT Frame, TechLekh and GadgetByteNepal. Interesting tech blogs and interviews of distinguished names in the ICT sector of Nepal can be found in ICT Frame.

  19. Deepak acharya

    Hey, bro, I think you missed one of the top teen bloggers from Nepal .
    Siddhit sir HamroLinko

  20. Very nice and informative content and I am also doing my work hard to be on the list hopefully I will be there within 20 months. Thanks for share these creative blogger list and I must follow them to learn something from them.

  21. i think ashesh blog name is missing here, it is also top info blog in nepal. which should be mention. thanks

    1. By the time of writing this blog post Ashes’s blog did not have SSL so I omitted. Next time if I found it regular I will include it in the list. BTW thanks for your comment.

  22. Thanks for the information. I am a new blogger and i want to grow as a blogger from Nepal. targeting Nepali audience we can get handsome traffic?

  23. digital phaguni

    tpai haru sng yeuta request xa sakiyo vane nepali langauge ma blog shuru garnus kinvane nepali language xadai xaina. hunxa vane mlai support garnus ma aaphno blog shuru gareko xu inNepali

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  27. Blogging is like a passion for those who truly understand its value and never undermine the value of a blogger as they are the ones feeding info to the world.

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