WiFi is essential and to know how to change WiFi password is more essential to protect your WiFi from hackers. Learn easy steps to change your WiFi password.
There are different service providers and all have different process to follow on how to do it. Some service providers have their own app or Network management dashboard and console to change the password. And you must know the proper use of those app or dashboard. Else you may need to ask them manually to change the password. However asking them every time to change the password is weird. So this guide is for you.
So here in this article, I am writing on how to guide in general using Gateway ip address. And also for top 2 internet service providers in the United States.
How to change WiFi Password in general. Using gateway ip address.
This is the most common steps on how to change WiFi password. In general routers and modems you can easily access their console and thereafter change WiFi password.
Steps wise guide.
1: Open the internet browser. remember you must be connect to the same network that you want to change password for.
2: Type in gateway address in the address bar. Gateway address may vary depending on the routers and modem.
common router gateway address are:
If non of these above ip addresses work, try finding out using ipconfig command in cmd.
Check this post to find routers ip address in desktop, mobile and tablet
3: Once you type in the correct gateway ip address in the address bar, it will ask you user id and password. Enter the correct user id and password. most common are admin/admin or admin/password. If these two does not work, look at the backside of your router. User id and password to access router management console is written there.
4: Once you provide the correct user name and password, router management console is opened. If not, your ISP may have locked your router to be operated and you need to factory reset.
5: Follow the wireless setting changes according to the different routers.
How to change WiFi password on AT&T
AT&T is one of the most popular internet service provider in US. More people are using it there. And may not be able to easily change WiFi password. The guide here is specially for the home users. AT&T corporate users may have different way to change the password.
However home users also have different ways to change the WiFi password depending on their routers and modems. AT&T use different types of modem and routers from Motorola, Arris, Pace, Netgear, 2wire etc. I am trying to list the process of most common routers out of them.
Remember that you must be a home user to attain all these steps to change your WiFi password. Since AT&T has service called Smart Home Manager to assist its home user configuring and managing their home internet service, you can go through the SMH portal and do the task.
How to change on different routers and modem
Routers and modems list from AT&T to use these below steps to change WiFi password.
- Motorola NVG589
- Pace 5268AC
- Arris NVG599
1: Go to AT&T Smart Home Manager.
2: Insert user id and password in the related field.
3: Once user id and password is correct, you will be take to network management console. Click on More. If you are accessing through mobile phone or tablet, you will find more on the main menu.
4: Select Network, then select the wireless name and password to change.
5: Click on the clear X button right of the field in order to clear old WiFi and password.
6: Now enter new WiFi name and password and then click on save.
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How to change WiFi password on Verizone?
Verizone is another popular internet service provider in the US. It has variety of internet service. If you use any one service from Verizone, this guide will help you to change your WiFi name and password.
How to change using My Verizone ?
Likewise AT&T, Verizone also have user portal to manage different things. If you are using Verizone Fios advance router follow the steps below to change the WiFi password.
1: Go to My Verizone
2: Provide User name and password.
3: Click on Services.
4: And then click on Internet.
5: You may see different navigation, select My Networks and then choose the network that you want to change the WiFi password.
6: Now enter the desired password name in the field password. However if you want to change WiFi name, you can simply type in the WiFi name on My SSID field.
You can also use My Fios app on the Play store and App store to change the Verizone WiFi password.
Simply click the link below to download the app from Play store and App store.
Download My Fios app on the Google Play Store.
Download My Fios app on the Apple App Store.
The app is not only useful on how to change WiFi password, you can also access and control your entire account and services too.
How to change WiFi password on Verizone using router ip address ?
Similarly, you can also use router’s ip address to change the WiFi password. Follow the below steps.
- 1: Open up the browser and type in the ip address this is the default ip for verizone routers.
- 2: Fill in the user name and password. User name is admin and for the password look at the sticker on the router. Sticker is usually back side of the router.
- 3: You will see “Wireless Settings” click on it.
- 4: Look at the left side panel, you will see “Advance Security Settings” click on it.
- 5: You will see the screen with something like WEP…, WPA……, WPA2……, select the appropriate one. WPA2 is the most secure security type so recommend to select WPA2.
- 6: Select the radio button “Custom Pre-Shared Key (Use it at your own risk):” and put your password next in the text field.
- 7: Now click on apply. That’s it. You are done changing with your desired password.
Finally, AT&T and Verizone are not only internet service providers in the states. There are other service providers too. If you want to know how to change WiFi password on any particular internet service providers, please mention in the comment section below.
Suman wifi password show