Site like YouTube without restrictions; ultimate top 10 list for 2021.

This post provides the list of site like YouTube without restrictions. Sites that are in the list are the video sites like YouTube and you can watch videos with less restriction.

No doubt, when it comes to the video content, YouTube is the king. It is the most popular video sharing platform worldwide. Everyone simply loves it. But YouTube has certain censorship and restrictions. If you love streaming videos but sick of YouTube ads and certain restrictions, here are the list of site like YouTube without restrictions. They offer high quality videos like YouTube but without any censorship or restriction.

Photo by Szabo Viktor on Unsplash

List of the site like YouTube without restrictions or censorship.

The list of video hosting sites here consists of best free YouTube alternatives. This free alternatives are less restrictive than YouTube. The complete without restrictions may not be available as nothing on the internet is free of censorship. While you find hard to get good views on YouTube. Sometime you wish to download videos from YouTube and its hard. These site may always be handy.

  1. DTube
  2. Dailymotion
  3. Vimeo
  4. Veoh
  5. Metacafe
  6. PeerTube Video
  7. 9GAG
  8. The Vlogs
  9. LiveLeak
  10. Break

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DTube is one of the best alternative for YouTube. It is also one of the innovative video sharing platform. DTube is consider very close to YouTube as it has similar UI like YouTube. But it is different from YouTube in terms of video sharing. DTube is ad free. As an innovative features users who leave likes and comments can get the rewards. Rewards are in the form of crypto-currency. I am sure DTube will hit the big guns very soon.


Dailymotion is another site like YouTube without restrictions. Similarly like in YouTube, you can watch trending videos. You can also explore videos according to the categories. Pretty much like the video sharing giant YouTube. It has some sort of censorship or restrictions but not much like YouTube. This is definitely an alternative to YouTube if you are looking for a less censorship site to surf the video content.


Vimeo is one of the top alternative for YouTube. It is also the most popular video sharing site along with the YouTube. People use Vimeo specially for the some crazy 360 videos, some classy musical clips or snapshots. You can not expect complete restriction free videos anywhere. So, this site provides less censorship than YouTube. Yes you heard it right that Vimeo comes with some sort of restrictions. But you can assure that it is the best alternatives for YouTube. But please note that Vimeo has got strict privacy policy and users can choose their viewers as they wish. So you can not expect it to be the complete restrictions free video streaming site.


Yet another video streaming site like YouTube without restrictions or with less censorship. Veoh lets you watch videos with your personalized experiences. Veoh is special for longer form of videos. You can easily find movies, series and other animated longer vidoes on it. Veoh is special for the direct studio content for the users. Some of the videos are like the raw footage and that gives you lot of idea of final output. Veoh is getting popular among the creators.


Yet another video streaming site like YouTube without restrictions. This site specially serves the short and entertaining videos. It has a large base of audiences. Metacafe gets enough of monthly visits. It is very much of without restrictions. So you can deliberately take it as a site like YouTube without restrictions. But always remember as I have already mentioned above, nothing comes absolutely free of restrictions.

PeerTube Video

Peer Tube is the video hosting services that offer free decentralized video broadcasting service. They also call it a federation of small broadcaster interconnected to each others. Best thing about PeerTube videos are that you are no longer bind to any particular company. In a sense it is a site like YouTube without restrictions.


9GAG is the Hongkong based media sharing website with less censorship. You can explore 9GAG for the breaking stories, viral memes, GIF and other viral videos. It is mostly related to the funny types of videos. You will know it as you visit the website for the first time. The tagline itself says “Go Fun The World”

The vlogs

The vlogs is another site like YouTube without restrictions. It is the most popular video sharing website along with others. It has the most updated video library. Videos here are often based on the political ground but any one can share the videos. All the videos are available in HD. You can also live stream the video like in YouTube. It often has more political based videos, thus has less censorship. You can easily take it as an alternative site like YouTube without restrictions.


LiveLeak is yet another site like YouTube without restrictions. It has the headquarter in London. LiveLeak was established in way back in 2006. It is YouTube substitute website with fewer censorship. This is the video hosting platform that helps you to create videos for your business. So if you are looking to create a video content for your business, LiveLeak might help you. So, In the LiveLeak you usually find the videos related to the business. Yes, you can also find other categories as well.


Break is also a site like YouTube without restrictions. It is more popular for funny videos. With the less restrictions it allows users to share and upload more funny videos. It is useful for the people who love laughing a lot.

Above lists are the YouTube alternatives and you can watch videos more freely than the YouTube. You have certain level of restriction on every site as nothing comes without restrictions. But these all sites are more free and like YouTube but without restriction. I would love to hear from you in the comment section below if you know any such site.

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