This post will guide you on how to create YouTube playlist in a simple step by step method. The guide includes screenshots and brief definition to make the process really simple.
YouTube is most popular to watch any videos on the internet. No doubt it is the leading video streaming site. Millions of people watch millions of videos on a daily basis. YouTube not only provides the video watching facilities but also some other features as well. One of them is creating a playlist.
Here in this post I am trying to explain how to create YouTube playlist step by step easily. The steps will feature both desktop version and also mobile application. You can navigate accordingly with the help of Table of Contents below.
What is a playlist ?
YouTube playlist is the list of videos that is going to play next accordingly either sequentially or in a shuffled order. Its like creating a list of videos to play automatically one after another.
Why to create a playlist ?
I still find a lot of people do not know the usability of playlist. Playlist is useful when you want to watch multiple videos without intervention. Lets say you want to watch 5 videos then what you do, you watch one video then search another and watch that video and continue with the process till you finish watching all the videos. Playlist makes all this process simple. You can simple create a playlist and add all those 5 videos into it and play all at once. Videos will be played continuously one after another. Take a look at the example below in the screenshot.
Take a look at the above screenshot, you can see list of the videos in the right side and the playlist name in the left side. Furthermore you can add, delete videos in the playlist. You can sort videos “date added-newest and oldest” , “most popular” and “date published-newest and oldest”. You can also loop YouTube playlist and also shuffle the list. Shuffling the list means playing videos randomly. You can save and share your playlist so that others can also watch it.
And the “loop playlist” function is very much useful if you are a crazy fan of any music or video like me. I often listen one song continuously for longer time. I simply create a playlist with single video and loop that playlist. With this I don’t have to play the same song again and again.
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Is playlist important ?
Obviously not. One can not say that a playlist is important. It makes the process easy. Though you can watch YouTube videos without creating a playlist as well. Playlist is just making a list of videos to watch one after another. However, playlist is very much useful. So, how to create playlist in YouTube channel will be useful too.
How to create YouTube playlist ?
You can create YouTube playlist using your desktop computer and also using the mobile devices. But make sure that to create a playlist, you must be logged in to YouTube. However, you can create a playlist without logging in with the little url hack. Follow this tutorial from Labnol create YouTube playlist without logging in.
Steps to create YouTube playlist on desktop computer.
- Visit YouTube on your browser.
- Search for the video you want to add into your playlist and play it.
- Click on Save button under the video. Take a look at the below screen.
- After clicking on the SAVE button you will see the below screen
- Click on the “Create new playlist” and you will be taken to the screen where you need to enter the playlist name.
- Enter the playlist name.
You can see privacy settings there just below “Enter playlist name…”. There are three types of privacy settings. Public: by default public is set. when you choose public privacy setting the playlist you create will be available to everyone visiting YouTube. Unlisted: another privacy setting is the unlisted. When you make your playlist unlisted, your playlist is not available to each and everyone. But it is available to those who has the link of the playlist. Private: When you set private on your playlist, it is available only for you.
- Once you click on CREATE after all this, your YouTube playlist is created. Now you can add as much as videos you want to add in your playlist.
To add the videos you can simply search the video, play it, click on SAVE. This time you do not have to create new playlist as you have already created the one you require. When you click on SAVE, your playlist will be displayed and you can simply select the playlist.
You can also add the videos from the playlist screen itself. You can also delete the videos that you no longer want in the playlist. Take a look at the below screen.
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Steps to create YouTube playlist on mobile device.
This steps are for the YouTube app either on your Android mobile or on your iPhone or iPads. If you are intending to use browser instead follow the similar procedure as on the desktop computer.
- Open YouTube app on your mobile device
- Search for the video you want to add into your playlist and play it. Check the screenshot below.
- Now tap on “Save“. You will see the below screen.
Once you tap on the “Save” button, video will be saved automatically to the last playlist. Probably “watch later” or something different if you have created a YouTube playlist before. And the popup “CHANGE” to change the playlist or create new playlist is displayed bottom of the screen.
- Tap on the CHANGE popup. Below screen will appear where you can choose existing playlist or tap on +NEW PLAYLIST.
- Tap on “+NEW PLAYLIST“
- Now you will have to type in the name of the playlist and set the privacy “Public”, “Unlisted” and “Private” as described above in the desktop tutorial steps.
- That is it. You have now created a new playlist. You can select the playlist and play anytime.
Where to find all the playlist ?
All the playlist that you create will be available in the library of YouTube. So, whenever you are logged in to your YouTube account, you can access your YouTube playlists. You can share, add and delete videos and edit your playlist anytime from there.